Thursday, May 7, 2020

Optical Properties


COLOR IS THE MOST OBVIOUS visual feature of a gem, but in fact it is just the optical properties of each gem one of many optical properties, all of which are dependent upon light. The individual crystalline structure of a gemstone  interacts with light in a unique way, and determines species. Effects produced by light passing through a gem are described here; those produced by the reflection of light. 

What makes color?

 The color of a gem depends largely on the way it absorbs light. White light is made up of the colors of the rainbow (spectral colors), and when it strikes a gem some spectral colors are "preferentially absorb- ed". Those that are not absorbed, pass through or are reflected back, giving the gem its color. Each gem in fact has a unique color "fingerprint" (known as its absorption spectrum), but this is only visible when viewed with a spectroscope . To the naked eye, many gems look the same color.


 Allochromatic ("other-colored") gems are colored by trace elements or other impurities that are not an essential part of their chemical composition. Corundum, for example, is colorless when pure, but impurities in it (usually a metal oxide) create the red stones we know as rubies, blue, green, and yellow sapphires, and orange-pink padparadscha. Allochromatic gems are often susceptible to color enhancement or change. 


 The color of idiochromatic ("self- colored") gems comes from elements that are an essential part of their chemical composition. Thus idiochromatic gems generally have only one color, or show only a narrow range of colors. Peridot, for example, is always green, because the color is derived from one of its essential constituents, iron.


 A crystal that consists of different-colored parts is called parti-colored. It may be made up of two colors (bicoloured), three (tricoloured), or more. The color may be distributed unevenly within the crystal, or in zones associated with growth. The many different varieties of tourmaline probably show the best examples of parti-coloring, exhibiting as many as 15 different colors or shades within a single crystal.


 Gems that appear one color from one direction, but exhibit one or more other shades or colors when viewed from different directions, are known as pleochroic. Amor- phous or cubic stones show one color only; tetragonal, hexagonal, or trigonal stones show two colors (dichroic); orthorhombic, mono- clinic, or triclinic stones may show three colors (trichroic).

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  Silver usually occurs in massive form as muggets or grains, although it may also be found in wiry, dendritic (tree-like) aggregates. When ...